Driving license: B
Volleyball Coaching Certificate: FIVB 2nd Level Head Coach; Turkey
Volleyball Federation 4th level Head Coach
Experience (20th years total):
- Coaching at İzmir DSİ Volleyball, Izmir, Turkey;
- Coaching at İzmir Sports Volleyball, Izmir, Turkey;
- Assistant Coach, Woman Super League team, at
“Karsıyaka Sports Club”, Izmir, Turkey;
Experience in National teams of Turkey
2004-2006 U12 girls national team, assistant coach.
2004 – 2006 U18 girls national team, assistant coach.
2003 – 2004 Coordinator and coach of the 2d. Training camp(Natioanlteam)/İzmir
2004 – 2005 Coach of the 2d. Training camp (Natioanl team)/ Istanbul
- Head Coach at UPS Sports and Culture club, 1st woman league, Istanbul, Turkey;
- Responsible for Statistics and physical conditioning exercise at
“Fenerbahce Sports Club” Super League;
- Assistant Coach at “Ankara Gazi University”, 1st league team;
- Coach of the school sports team “Gelisim College Sports Club”, Izmir, 2d league;
- Coordinator and Volleyball Head Coach at woman team “ACAR Sports Club”,
2d league, Izmir;
- Coach of the 1st league woman team at “Rota College”, Izmir, responsible
for school sports team;
- Sports coordinator and woman volleyball coach at “BASEK Sports Club”, Izmir
- Coordinator and Head Coach at “DOĞA Sports Club”, woman 2d league, Izmir;
- Head Coach at “Stockport Sports Club”, man 1d league, Manchester/England